About trauma, recovery and healing

About trauma, healing and retrograde   

Addressing trauma and the aftermath: To all my fellow souls healing after dealing with trauma of some sort, I’m going to list things that have helped me.

1. Be kind to yourself. The aftermath, the healing process is not always a linear pathway. Some weeks, months, days will be fantastic, & all it takes is one trigger and you feel like you are back at square one.

2. Give up control. For victims of trauma, a common defense mechanism is becoming control freaks or micromanagers. I’m so guilty of this. The reason is mainly that the unpredictability of life is well..scary for people who have experienced intense levels of hurt, pain, especially if you have experienced abuse.  

    Sometimes trying to control a narrative feels safer. I know for myself one of my biggest struggles, even now sometimes is the ability to live in moment, without overthinking. Please remember that one of the most beautiful parts of life is the spontaneity of it all. Relax, loosen your shoulders, & let things unfold organically.

3. Therapy. That’s it. Just.. Therapy. Lol.

4. You are worthy. You are worthy of being loved healthily. You are worthy of genuine connections. You are worthy of support. It seems so simple but for victims of trauma this can be hard to accept.

5. Recognize your own unhealthy patterns & behaviors. Therapy definitely helps with this. But, pay attention to things you may do like self sabotage, thinking negatively about yourself, depression etc..Awareness means you have the ability to change into healthy habits.

6. If you are into astrology, we are experiencing a retrograde, or in other words a large shift, wherein it feels like everything that is familiar is becoming unfamiliar, & life is starting to resemble one of those carnival rides that flips you upside down. Stay calm. Stay patient. Embrace the changes bc nothing under God’s will is coincidental. Everything is divinely ordered. Acceptance and understanding is the key.

  I’m def not an expert by any means, & much of what I’ve listed here I need to practice more often. Hopefully, though some of this helps someone navigate the journey to healing more effectively. ❤️

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